The Fenelon Arts Committee (FAC), in partnership with the City of Kawartha Lakes, invites expressions of interest from artists or teams of artists to participate in the 2025 call for sculptures in the garden planters located along Colborne Street in downtown Fenelon Falls. Each work will be on display from May to October 2025 as public art.
The FAC identifies opportunities for artists, strategizes on arts initiatives, and works to increase public access and engagement with art in the village of Fenelon Falls. The FAC is a part of the Kawartha Works Community Co-op (KWCC). The KWCC works to improve the social infrastructure in Kawartha Lakes by enabling the creation, development, and management of not-for-profit initiatives with artistic, cultural, recreational, health, environmental, economic, and social improvement aims.
The Downtown Sculpture Exhibition 2025 will feature a collection of six (6) sculptures mounted on limestone base rocks located inside the garden planters. A jury of local arts and cultural leaders and business leaders will be appointed by the FAC to select the works.
Open to all artists within Canada.
Innovative and engaging from all perspectives.
Consider the context and history of the location; consideration given to the Indigenous use of the area, the historical development of Fenelon Falls, the natural heritage of the region, and the contemporary use of the area today.
Works adhere to dimension specifications outlined below.
Sculptures must be original works suitable for outdoor installation.
The artwork should not pose a risk of injury to the public (for example, no hazardous sharp points or edges) and must be robust enough to withstand weather conditions and public interaction with no maintenance from May to October.
The Artist has the skills and experience required to manage installation and removal.
There are six (6) unanchored limestone bases available for sculpture installation; three (3) garden planters each containing two (2) sculptures. Photos of the planters are included at the end of the call. Each of the six (6) sculptures must be capable of being securely mounted on the mounting bracket on the limestone bases which are already in place in the planters. Each limestone rock surface measures approximately 9 sq. ft. with four (4) threaded steel rods each with a 5/8” diameter. The steel rods are placed in a square pattern 5.25” centre to centre to secure the sculpture.
An honorarium of $350 will be paid to each participating artist, as well as $75 per diem; 2 days for installation and 1 day for artwork removal.
Submission Deadline is Friday, March 21, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. (EST). Successful applicants will be notified Friday, April 4, 2025 by email.
Works must be installed on Thursday, May 8, 2025, and removed on Thursday, October 23, 2025. The works must be installed for the duration of the exhibition. Works not installed by May 8, 2025, may be replaced by an alternate work at the sole discretion of the FAC.
Accommodation will be provided for artists, if required, for the evening of Thursday, May 8, 2025. There will be a celebratory dinner the evening of May 8 (complete details to follow). Please notify the need for accommodation in your submission and note any dietary, food restrictions, and/or allergies.
The project unveiling ceremony will be held Friday, May 9, 2025, at the Colborne Street Gallery at 11 a.m. Artists will be in attendance to discuss their artwork and there will be a guided tour of the sculptures following the talk. Artists will be introduced by a member of the FAC and present a short talk about their work to the public.
The height of the sculpture including the plinth/pole, if necessary, must be a minimum of 3’ tall and a maximum of 4’ tall. The maximum width and depth allowance is 2’ (W) x 2’ (D). Documentation of the proposed installation must be included in the submission.
Example of a sculpture on a plinth and within the required range of dimensions.
Example of a sculpture without a plinth and within the required range of dimensions.
Each sculpture must be secured to the mounting system and be stable. Please refer to the mounting system specifications is attached.
Artists are responsible for delivery, installation, and removal of their sculptures at the designated dates: installation on May 8 and removal on October 23, 2025. Assistance will be provided for installation and removal if required. The details, times, and sites will be provided to selected artists.
Artists or teams of artists may submit up to two (2) entries for consideration.
Artworks may be offered for sale. The FAC does not take a commission, nor is it directly involved with any sales. All inquiries and sales are handled by the Artist, or their agent, and all sculptures must remain for the duration of the exhibition. Prices and contact information will be included on the accompanying signage, promotional material, and website.
All accepted artwork will remain at the risk of the Artist. The Artist will be responsible for any damage and/or repair to the artwork. The artwork is insured for liability by the KWCC.
The Jury reserves the right to select proposals at its discretion and may choose not to select any or all proposals that do not meet its criteria. They may also reject work that differs significantly from the work depicted in the accepted submission.
The following timeline outlines the schedule for the project. The schedule may vary at the discretion of the FAC.
Friday, March 21, 2025, 5:00 p.m.
Submission Deadline
Friday, April 4, 2025
Notice of Acceptance by email
Thursday, May 8, 2025
Installation Day
Thursday, May 8, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
Project Celebratory Dinner
Location TBD. Accommodation will be provided for artists, if required, for the evening of May 8, 2025. Please note in your submission if you require accommodations.
May 9, 2025 , 11 a.m.
Public Launch and Walking Tour at Colborne Street Gallery, 36 Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls
Thursday, October 23, 2025
Artwork Removal
Note: Date for installation, unveiling, and removal are subject to change, due to weather.
Initial submissions for a proposed sculpture are at the sole cost of the artist and must include the following:
Name of artist or artists with contact information including full mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number.
CV of each artist who will be participating in the project.
Images and accompanying Image List showing previous samples of the artist’s work. A portfolio of 5-10 images is recommended. Please note only electronic submissions will be reviewed for this call. Images should be .jpg format, 300 dpi, and 1080 pixels on the longest side.
A written statement, 200 words maximum, outlining the artist’s approach to the proposed sculpture, including a summary of the materials, method of creation/manufacturing, and installation, as well as the connection to the call theme, and any additional information of significance for the proposed work.
3-5 images of the proposed sculpture with complete details, including title, date, medium, dimensions, and price. Please show the sculpture from multiple angles.
A maximum of two (2) proposed sculptures per artist or team of artists.
All questions, inquiries, and submissions should be directed to:
Fenelon Arts Committee
Darcie Kennedy, Chair
Sculpture Locations
2024 Sculpture Examples
James Cameron Smith, Raven, 2024, cedar, recycled bicycle tires, and tubes, aluminum, polyurethane , 36 x 24 x 26 inches
Lynne Sproule, The Fertility Goddess, 2024, winterstone, 24 x 24 x 30 inches, $5,000